Some of us may recollect when going to college was a realistic and reasonably affordable way to a secure career path. Today, that notion is long gone. Now, parents desperately scramble to scrounge up funds so their teenage children can attend their dream schools. ‘Get in first and deal with the costs later’ is a…
Getting There
Chaotic Markets, Economic Uncertainty, and Some Good News – Webinar Replay
Webinar Replay Chaotic Markets, Economic Uncertainty, and Some Good News A LIVE DISCUSSION Thanks to those who attended our LIVE DISCUSSION via Zoom yesterday. Below is the video of our meeting if you’d like to watch it again. If there are any other financial questions that Erik or I could answer for you, feel free…
Regarding HENRYs
Getting Your Assets in Order
Have you heard about HENRYs? An acronym for “High Earners, Not Rich Yet,” the term has risen in popularity in recent years and refers to those who have acquired a healthy income, namely six figures, but have no solid financial planning to grow their savings for the future. The HENRYs are at an important crossroads…
86. Market Volatility In 2022 with Erik Schei, CFA and CeFT®
Inflation, geopolitical issues and impending interest rate increases are impacting the markets. In this episode, Esther Szabo and Erik Schei will discuss why the market has become increasingly volatile. Their overview digs into the impact of the ongoing supply chain disruption on inflation, Federal Reserve strategy, what to expect in 2022, and how to maintain…
64: Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing — With Jay Mooreland
To help you better understand your investing behaviors, Jay Mooreland joins Esther Szabo to discuss ways he helps investors understand how biases influence their investment decisions. Jay highlights ways you can tune-in to your behaviors and learn from past mistakes to improve future financial decisions. Gates Pass Advisors: (650) 797-0280 | | Esther Szabo’s…