Behavioral Finance Video Surviving Volatility When volatility increases, many investors become uncomfortable and may consider making changes to their investments. Anytime we have a significant concern, it is essential we take a step back and assess the situation with the proper perspective. Volatility, while uncomfortable, is a normal and natural part of stock markets. It…
Getting There
Gender Inequality in the Financial Industry
Ask any woman about her experience with unequal treatment by professionals and she’s sure to have more than one example. Women are all too familiar with being overlooked, ignored, and put on the back burner when their male counterparts are in the room. Consider these scenarios: A doctor dismisses valid symptoms, blaming them on hysteria…
3 Things to Look For In An Advisor
Facing the loss of a partner can be overwhelming. Almost immediately, you may be expected to make financial decisions that impact your future. But when it feels like the rug is pulled out from under you, financial planning might be the last thing on your mind. Some immediate questions that may surface include: Do I…
Is 2022 the Year of the Next Financial Crisis? Maybe Not
Just when it seemed like the world was coming out of a two-year-long pandemic, the war in Ukraine has gas prices soaring and tensions about the future on the rise. Headlines touting Inflation and Recession have people worried about what this year will mean for their finances, both in the short and long term. Will recent gains in…
Regarding HENRYs
Getting Your Assets in Order
Have you heard about HENRYs? An acronym for “High Earners, Not Rich Yet,” the term has risen in popularity in recent years and refers to those who have acquired a healthy income, namely six figures, but have no solid financial planning to grow their savings for the future. The HENRYs are at an important crossroads…
64: Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing — With Jay Mooreland
To help you better understand your investing behaviors, Jay Mooreland joins Esther Szabo to discuss ways he helps investors understand how biases influence their investment decisions. Jay highlights ways you can tune-in to your behaviors and learn from past mistakes to improve future financial decisions. Gates Pass Advisors: (650) 797-0280 | | Esther Szabo’s…