Getting There


A Robust Forecast for 2024

A robust forecast for 2024

Market and Economic Forecasts.

The brain may be filled with gray matter, but it hates gray areas. And there are few other places we find gray areas (uncertainty) than in the economies and markets of the world. One word of caution: our innate desire for certainty leaves us prone to fall for the illusion of certainty. Market and economic forecasts often provide an illusion of certainty.


Happy Holidays

To each and every one of our incredible clients and their families… 🌟🎄 Happy Holidays and a Joyous New Year!🎉✨ As the year draws to a close, we wanted to take a moment to send our warmest wishes your way. 2023 has been quite a journey in the financial world, filled with ups and downs,…


VIDEO: Behavioral Finance – Forecast Frenzy

Forecast Frenzy - Behavioral Video

Forecast Frenzy: Why Market Forecasts Should Be Ignored Tis the season for 2024 market forecasts. History shows we may want to ignore them. This video is narrated by Jay Mooreland, the CEO of the Behavioral Finance Network – dedicated to educating investors about the ‘gotcha’s’ of mental shortcuts that can reduce investment returns. ©The Behavioral…


Staying Grounded in Turbulent Times

Staying Grounded in Turbulent Times

Staying Grounded in Turbulent Times The Power of Remaining Calm in the Face of ConcerningUnited States Markets and Dramatic Headlines Introduction: As individuals navigating the unpredictable waves of life, we are no strangers to the occasional bout of financial unease.  While November inflation data have proven encouraging to the equity markets, just about every few…


VIDEO: Behavioral Finance – Calm Amid Crises

Behavioral Finance Video: Two Ways to Find Calm Amid Current Crises We can experience calm, even among the numerous crises du jour, by following a few simple steps.  This video is narrated by Jay Mooreland, the CEO of the Behavioral Finance Network – dedicated to educating investors about the ‘gotcha’s’ of mental shortcuts that…


VIDEO: Behavioral Finance – Timely Economic Perspectives

Timely Economic Perspectives

Behavioral Finance Video: Timely Economic Perspectives The media has been talking about several “threats” to the economy. We break down these “threats” to provide a helpful perspective. This video is narrated by Jay Mooreland, the CEO of the Behavioral Finance Network – dedicated to educating investors about the ‘gotcha’s’ of mental shortcuts that can reduce…


Successful Investing: The Cost of Timing The Market

Successful Investing - The cost of timing the market

It is not unusual for us to be asked whether we should be changing a portfolio of stocks given ‘all the bad news’.  Why is it that many investors feel the urge to time the stock market? Since 1950, stocks have been in a bull market 83% of the time – despite all the crises…