Since early last year economists, market experts, and even corporate CEOs have been predicting a recession for this year. We have heard that word ‘recession’ a lot. Then, with inflation cooling and consumer spending strong, we stopped hearing it. And now, with the political debt ceiling fight, the word ‘recession’ is back in the discussion….
Getting There
How Professional Organizers Can Help with the Divorce Process
How Professional Organizers Can Help with the Divorce Process Divorce is not just a painful process for all involved, it can also be complicated and difficult to navigate. Even after settling big issues like custody of children and division of financial assets, there are still all the details involved with turning one household into two….
Managing Divorce With Children
Managing Divorce With Children Divorce is never easy. It can be a painful situation for everyone involved, especially children. Divorce attorney Paul Seabrook likens the process to a house fire. It can catch children by surprise, creating a sudden need for an emergency response team to do damage control and help everyone come to terms…
7 Surprising College Planning Tips!
Some of us may recollect when going to college was a realistic and reasonably affordable way to a secure career path. Today, that notion is long gone. Now, parents desperately scramble to scrounge up funds so their teenage children can attend their dream schools. ‘Get in first and deal with the costs later’ is a…
What We Learned From Dr. Nancy Paul
Some of us may recollect when going to college was a realistic and reasonably affordable way to a secure career path. Today, that notion is long gone. Now, parents desperately scramble to scrounge up funds so their teenage children can attend their dream schools. ‘Get in first and deal with the costs later’ is a…
87. 5 Obstacles That Could be Preventing You From Achieving Your Goals with Lela Meinke
Financial planning is all about goal achievement. However, the ability to attain one’s desired goals can be limited by one’s mindset and habits. In this episode, Esther Szabo is joined once more by Lela Meinke, founder of Serenity Cards and Coaching. Lela reveals five common hurdles people face when planning and articulating goals and shares…
86. Market Volatility In 2022 with Erik Schei, CFA and CeFT®
Inflation, geopolitical issues and impending interest rate increases are impacting the markets. In this episode, Esther Szabo and Erik Schei will discuss why the market has become increasingly volatile. Their overview digs into the impact of the ongoing supply chain disruption on inflation, Federal Reserve strategy, what to expect in 2022, and how to maintain…
85. Articulate and Achieve Your Goals with Lela Meinke
All financial plans are built around goals. Goals can be exciting, and they can be intimidating. It can actually be challenging to articulate what one really wants, and then commit to move forward, despite setbacks that may arise. In this episode, Esther Szabo is joined by Lela Meinke, founder of Serenity Cards & Coaching. Lela…