Getting There


Addressing Longevity Risk: The Importance of Financial Planning

Addressing Longevity Risk: The Importance of Financial Planning

Overview of Financial Planning Importance This document is about the importance of financial planning in addressing longevity risk and ensuring a secure and comfortable retirement. Gates Pass Advisors Real Client Stories Just this last week I met with the heads of two households – one who has been a client for over 20 years and…


A Robust Forecast for 2024

A robust forecast for 2024

Market and Economic Forecasts.

The brain may be filled with gray matter, but it hates gray areas. And there are few other places we find gray areas (uncertainty) than in the economies and markets of the world. One word of caution: our innate desire for certainty leaves us prone to fall for the illusion of certainty. Market and economic forecasts often provide an illusion of certainty.


Happy Holidays

To each and every one of our incredible clients and their families… 🌟🎄 Happy Holidays and a Joyous New Year!🎉✨ As the year draws to a close, we wanted to take a moment to send our warmest wishes your way. 2023 has been quite a journey in the financial world, filled with ups and downs,…


Staying Grounded in Turbulent Times

Staying Grounded in Turbulent Times

Staying Grounded in Turbulent Times The Power of Remaining Calm in the Face of ConcerningUnited States Markets and Dramatic Headlines Introduction: As individuals navigating the unpredictable waves of life, we are no strangers to the occasional bout of financial unease.  While November inflation data have proven encouraging to the equity markets, just about every few…


Successful Investing: The Cost of Timing The Market

Successful Investing - The cost of timing the market

It is not unusual for us to be asked whether we should be changing a portfolio of stocks given ‘all the bad news’.  Why is it that many investors feel the urge to time the stock market? Since 1950, stocks have been in a bull market 83% of the time – despite all the crises…


Your Marriage Needs a CFO and a COO: Insights on Marriage and Finances

Your Marriage Needs a CFO and COO

Introduction Marriage, often portrayed as a romantic union between two people, requires more than just love and affection to thrive; it requires insights on marriage and finances.  Have you noticed that, while technology makes it easier to handle things like banking, working from home, and shopping, it seems we are not really relieved of time…


VIDEO: Behavioral Finance – A Glimpse of the Markets Future

Behavioral Finance Video: A fun game in prospective hindsight…what would you do if you knew certain things about the market’s future? Your friend comes back from the future and shares a glimpse of the stock market with you. What would you do with that information? Would you try to time the market by actively selling and…


The Eventual Recession

Eventual Recession

Since early last year economists, market experts, and even corporate CEOs have been predicting a recession for this year.  We have heard that word ‘recession’ a lot.  Then, with inflation cooling and consumer spending strong, we stopped hearing it.  And now, with the political debt ceiling fight, the word ‘recession’ is back in the discussion….


How Professional Organizers Can Help with the Divorce Process

How Professional Organizers Can Help with the Divorce Process Divorce is not just a painful process for all involved, it can also be complicated and difficult to navigate. Even after settling big issues like custody of children and division of financial assets, there are still all the details involved with turning one household into two….


Managing Divorce With Children

Managing Divorce With Children Divorce is never easy. It can be a painful situation for everyone involved, especially children. Divorce attorney Paul Seabrook likens the process to a house fire. It can catch children by surprise, creating a sudden need for an emergency response team to do damage control and help everyone come to terms…